Monday, November 23, 2009

Hurry, you still have time for Gastric Bypass!

So as you New Yorkers may have noticed, I was no where to be found this weekend, since I had to work overnight in the ER both Saturday and Sunday.  So between crazy pill addicts and disgusting vag exams I did save a few lives.  During my down time though, I read up on gastric bypass so that I could offer my services free of charge.  I feel good about operating now that I got to practice on the old lady who died and her cats ate her toes.  I know what you are thinking, no way, no surgery, there will be scars.  But rest assured, I learned how to do the procedure thru the rectum, so no worries bout seeing unsightly wounds when in your swim suit.   You could loose 30 pounds by Dec 10th.  And, after gastric bypass surgery you absorb alcohol much quicker.  Imagine how slammed you will get  in Harbour while looking  emaciated like Starr Jones or Al Roker. (and hopefully as tan as them)

I should be good to operate tonight after cocktails at the Rusty Knot.  Text me!


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