Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Do we need another blog?

So this blog is the fruit of a conversation I had at the gym the other day with Bobby G. In one of those small talk moments on the 3rd floor of Chic-quinox, we were joking about hitting the gym hard in preparation for Harbour Island. Both of us were commiserating that the pressure was on to get our fat asses back in shape. Ironically, earlier that day Sarika mentioned going full on anorexic herself. So, I said, self, we needed a way to document the 3 remaining weeks before 28 of the chicest people I know, get together to celebrate Bren's B-Day. So will this be bigger than Perez Hilton? Probably. But I am not doing this for the fame. Just want to look good and make you laugh. So feel free to pitch in, I got to keep my day job.

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